More denier weird - splicing Greenland onto global temperatures to hide the incline — HotWhopper Chat HotWhopper Chat
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More denier weird - splicing Greenland onto global temperatures to hide the incline

Anthony Watts approves of fakery and fudging on his own blog, while falsely accusing scientists of doing what he does. Anyway, this article is about a completely nonsensical cartoon from Josh in a silly protest at the excellent cartoon by xkcd.

Another exceptional doozy from WUWT - physically impossible global temperatures!



  • edited September 2016

    so essentially they (Josh et al) are simply building a "global" temperature reconstruction using cherry-picked and ridiculously localised data

    which obviously then leads to wild ups and downs in the temperature (no sh1t Sherlock) - which then suggest hyper global climate sensitivity, which they also deny

    whereas the original cartoon uses data from scientific papers that use global temperature reconstructions

    is that the gist?


    as an interesting aside - and I have noticed this a few times recently in the comments on denier blogs, that as the science and data moves ever farther away from their lunacy they are increasingly finding themselves at variance with people they once agreed with

    XKCD Comic – I used to really enjoy that but now….

    Brian Cox – I used to like him but now …

    Bill Nye -  Great when I was young but now ……

    The New Scientist – Used to be concerned with science but now……

    Neil deGrasse Tyson – ditto

    You wonder when will they realise it is not the above who have suddenly rejected science but them

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