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Willis Eschenbach turfs science

Willis Eschenbach used to boast about how he had published papers in E&E (not a good look) and Nature (where he got a comment in that wasn't thought too highly of by experts in the field). Still, he clearly used to think of himself as being able to "do science". His blog articles that I've seen shows that he has an awful lot to learn. Today he said he's given up on science and is taking up ridicule instead. He doesn't fare well in that regard either.

Here's my take on what he's written:
He seems to be shifting between two denier stages:
  • Climate science is a hoax, and
  • If it's not a hoax, there's nothing we can do about it.
His effort is half hearted, with a few straw men and other logical fallacies and inconsistencies. I guess he's got so much invested in denial that he's nowhere left to turn. He shouted a bit, which suggests frustration - anyway, you can read about it for yourself if you want to.


  • Eschenbach:  "Ridicule is a potent weapon."
    Isn't sort of what they have done all along.  Malicious slander and dirty tricks against serious work and the scientists that have done it is ridicule.

    Proposed idiotic rationalizations, like "climate changed before" "MWP happened!" etc. etc. - is little more than ridicule at learning about why climate and always changed and why it is changing this time, and what those changes have always meant for the existing environments and their inhabitants.
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