New study confirms the Greenland ice sheet is rapidly melting — HotWhopper Chat HotWhopper Chat
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New study confirms the Greenland ice sheet is rapidly melting

edited September 2016 in Climate and Weather
A new study confirms that the massive Greenland ice sheet is not only melting very quickly, but that the rate of melting is accelerating. The measurements confirm prior estimates. 

Nearly all of the world's glaciers are also melting. As land-based ice melts, the meltwater flows into the ocean, raising the sea level, leading to increased coastal flooding and stronger storm surges. The seasonal runoff from mountain-based glaciers feeds fresh water to land areas at the feet of the mountains. As the glaciers disappear, so does the source of fresh water.

Melting of the Earth's land ice is thus both a symptom of human-induced global climate change, and is a positive danger, both to coastal communities and to inland places that rely on seasonal glacial runoff.


  • edited August 2016
    Great post, D.C. Now this is what IMO this chat forum should be mostly about: providing the members with good debunking resources. Sou already does a great job of deconstructing the deniers, but the rest of us often don't have good go-to resources to do our own debunking with.

    Building up a library of these would be extremely useful. For example, here is my favourite, layperson accessible, slam-dunk explanation of the greenhouse effect, and why it can't saturate:

    A Saturated Gassy Argument []

    ETA: the edit function is handy! I saw right after posting this comment there is a discussion below about creating a resources area. I second that idea :-)
  • edited August 2016
    Thanks, metzo. My new blog is an experiment. I want to do a variety of things with it. Dismantling some parts of denialism is one such. Linking to news is another. On most posts, I expect to have about three readers, two of whom are family, so the impact is likely to be negligible. Still, one does what one is driven to do.

    Chris Monckton has another nearly incomprehensible screed on WUWT. Someone needs to dismantle his mumblings.

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