Okay mineguy, lets debate Jim Steele and his LandscapesandCycle conviction — HotWhopper Chat HotWhopper Chat
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Okay mineguy, lets debate Jim Steele and his LandscapesandCycle conviction

I've just posted http://whatsupwiththatwatts.blogspot.com/2016/09/about-jimsteele-landscapeandcycles.html
And I had problems with formatting,  my commands would be countermanded to some default.

Would anyone be into looking at it and telling me how the formatting comes across. 

Beyond that I want to be more confrontational in a constructive manner.   This is my latest effort.
I think this forum has a chance to be a great place for folks but we need more critical cross discussion.

Feedback, what works, what doesn't, after all of and particularly me, are trapped within our own heads and experience.
We need each other to keep each other honest.

I think Sou would like to see this become more than a quaint place to share and say 'oh that's nice' - there should be something more dynamic.

Let's have some healthy arguments and stuff.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Okay mineguy, lets debate Jim Steele and his LandscapesandCycle conviction

I received a dismissive, yet challenging, comment from a "mineguy," he claims he can "take down" my arguments with ease.  

Okay Mineguy, I'm game.  Bet you can't! 

I invite you to choose from any of my Jim Steele Critiques (I include the list after my response to your revealing comment.).  Then in a rational constructive manner, point out my errors and produce some evidence to support your opinion - I'd be happy to learn from you, if you can produce some rational defensible evidence.  

Here let me give you an example of how it's done:
 At 3:44PM, August 28, 2016, mineguy's comments: 

“A brief read indicates this WUWTW site is another of the group-think anthropogenic true believers who are incredibly organized to dispute, disparage, and ‘take down’ any sane and objective contrary argument against that line of propaganda. 
Find it at "LandscapesAndCycles"

Just saying   ;)

ps.  Petterson, I liked your recent blog post, but am already late for work.  Later.  Keep it up, but remember the golden rule of writing
"For every word you can cut out, you gain a reader."


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