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Just sayingThursday, September 1, 2016
Okay mineguy, lets debate Jim Steele and his LandscapesandCycle conviction
I received a dismissive, yet challenging, comment from a "mineguy," he claims he can "take down" my arguments with ease.
Okay Mineguy, I'm game. Bet you can't!
I invite you to choose from any of my Jim Steele Critiques (I include the list after my response to your revealing comment.). Then in a rational constructive manner, point out my errors and produce some evidence to support your opinion - I'd be happy to learn from you, if you can produce some rational defensible evidence.
Here let me give you an example of how it's done:At 3:44PM, August 28, 2016, mineguy's comments:“A brief read indicates this WUWTW site is another of the group-think anthropogenic true believers who are incredibly organized to dispute, disparage, and ‘take down’ any sane and objective contrary argument against that line of propaganda.
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The formatting on your post looks good to me. I don't know if it was what was intended, but it's perfectly readable.
You might be interested in this little exchange as I suspect it involves your old friend Jim Steele
apologies if you have seen it
in it he tries to bamboozle a commentator with the classic denier tactic of quoting an outlier paper to support whatever daft point he is making
obviously he bangs on about it being in a peer reviewed scientific journal etc
the other person simply admits he does not have the time/skill to critique the paper – so Jim seems to think he has won
then along comes a guy called halsu who proceeds to rip the paper and Jim points to shreads – in a point by point rebuttal
Jim,s response “Thanks - I am busy right now, and will respond when I have time”
Halsu, been around there for a while and seems like a good blok, his posts are consistently interesting.
Lausten, I know from CFI Forum, interesting guy. Sometimes I totally agree with him, sometimes he makes no sense to me. But that feeling might be mutual. Jim feels like unfinished dirty laundry.
That was a nice response Halsu wrote, I'll have to check back, see if it ever gets responded to.
what I found so amusing was when jim laments that "if only people would read the scientific literature"
indeed, we can all agree on that !!