New narrative: Trump victory will end "climate scare" for good — HotWhopper Chat HotWhopper Chat
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New narrative: Trump victory will end "climate scare" for good

Just saw this over on JoNova, not going to bother linking directly to the article.  Headline and subtext:

Trump Victory: The Beginning of the End of Global Climate Scare

It doesn’t get better than this. Trump is one hundred percent skeptic, no pandering.

Say goodbye to the fantasy that CO2 controls the planets thermostat.

So basically, the new narrative is apparently that Trump has managed to change the laws of physics. That's pretty impressive.
The OLD narrative was that Obama was manipulating NOAA and NASA to fake data and support his radical "green agenda." Well, say goodbye to that!

What's the narrative going to be when the data keeps coming in, under Trump's rule, that still supports global warming? I think at that point the only option is to dismantle NOAA and NASA climate studies completely, basically the equivalent of gouging out our eyeballs so that we are unable to see what's going on.

Doesn't matter: deniers have declared victory! The pigeons have knocked over the chess pieces, shat all over the chess board, and proclaimed that they have won the game.

Luckily for us, the laws of physics are pretty immutable.



  • Jo Nova isn't even smart enough to use proper punctuation in her headlines. 

    "the planets thermostat" makes no sense. It should be "planet's".

    Yeah, I'm picking on a stupid typo, but it doesn't give the impression of a careful and educated scientist.
  • Jo Nova has proven herself unreliable. I quit reading her years ago.
  • Trump will probably get off to a lucky (for him) start, with annual global average temperatures falling in 2017, possibly to pre 2014 levels as a result of the expected small La Nina.  Even though temperatures will remain remarkably high historically, no doubt the 'global cooling' meme will surface again and the wutters will be frantically checking monthly updates to see how far back they can push the latest 'hiatus'. 

    As Ribbit74 suggests, nature won't be deceived.  The warming will commence again once neutral ENSO conditions arrive and the long term (30 yr) trend will hardly take a dent from any short-term noise the La Nina creates.  Trump will be faced with a continuation of the current long term warming trend throughout his presidency and any short term downturn in global surface temperatures will likely be at least balanced out before he leaves office.

    By that stage anyone with any sense, i.e. anyone salvageable from the fake sceptic or neutral camp, will realise that Trump is nothing other than a latter day 'King Canute'; full of hubris, but ultimately unable to turn back the tides.  Unfortunately this is likely to be almost literally the case in terms of his own country's eastern seaboard during his time in office. US history is not going to remember this buffoon warmly.
  • This is the usual drivel from the Clueless Codling. (Hey, if my name was "Codling" I might change it to "Nova" too. But why do we keep giving her the courtesy of using only the "Nova" name?) Unfortunately, deniers' fantastical ideological hallucinations don't change the laws of physics. Accumulating CO2 will keep warming us excessively.

    Here in the US we keep having "500-year" & "1000-year" floods every few months, & now we have drought & wildfires in the traditional South, where they're unusual. Coincidentally, many of these extreme weather events have been happening in areas that are controlled by Republicans (the only major political party in the industrialised world that officially denies anthropogenic climate change). Eventually the people there will realise they've been lied to & will call for action, if for nothing else than to protect their financial assets. This realisation could be sudden. It could give the Democrats, who can actually perceive reality when it comes to ACC, a possible way to reach voters in currently Republican areas.
  • edited November 2016
    DavidR said:

    By that stage anyone with any sense, i.e. anyone salvageable from the fake sceptic or neutral camp, will realise that Trump is nothing other than a latter day 'King Canute'; full of hubris, but ultimately unable to turn back the tides.  Unfortunately this is likely to be almost literally the case in terms of his own country's eastern seaboard during his time in office. US history is not going to remember this buffoon warmly.
    OH, but the oligarch certainly will.  The man has no interest in government, to him it is an impediment to giving business a free range.  The Alt-Right crowd is being giving the keys to our entire government.  Be absolutely clear have their hearts set on vandalizing that government, just have to read their own writing.  Take them for their word.  Unless there is a ground swell of active intelligent and persuasive grassroots opposition, this will be a disaster that won't be any more fixable then the Republican Shock'n Awe war of profit was for the world or America.

    The Alt-Right only wants to destroy - the rest of the Republicans are themselves being taken for a ride, since the radicals make up only a small percentage but they got all the muscle and ruthless will to bully others into falling in line, even if they don't believe.  Echo's of 1930S FOR SURE, but in a vastly depleted, over crowded world.

    People who think they can still stand by and watch are fools being led to the slaughter.
    Example of Alt-Right's dependence on lies - Mann's Hockey Stick.

    Profiles In Courage, Dr. Warren Hern of the Boulder Abortion Clinic

    PG_AntiochSusan Anderson
  • The news gets ever more disturbing. Trump buddied up to UKIP's Nigel Farage to try to overcome the Scottish high court's refusal to bend the knee about windmills near his Scottish golf course that "destroy the view."

    I think Trump doesn't like women heads of state, because he'd have done better to buddy up with Theresa May, who is already assisting with kneecapping wind in the UK, along with whoever in that sorry looting crowd gave mineral rights in Yorkshire to Ginny Rinehart. His attitude towards women may end up being a problem with Angela Merkel as well. Several of Trump's recent meetings seem to be about leveraging his new status for his business. Nobody seems to be able to do a thing about it. There are already threats against neutral public TV pundits. I am filled with dread. Lots of new hate crimes everywhere.

    I'm told the UK "believes" the science on climate change, but based on their actions, you could have fooled me.

    This is a little disconnected, but it is true that those who disregard the truth of the threat to our planet have gained a lot of power, and it will be some time before they realize that their vandalism was contrary to the best interests of their own descendants.

  • There is a report in Politico that Ivanka wants to take a proactive stance on climate change.

    If true, it could be some good news for the climate amidst the unrelenting bad news. The Donald may listen to Ivanka more than any other single person.
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